Video Kanak Kanak Dilanggar 2 Kali Di China : 2 Pemandu Ditahan
Not only in Malaysia but satu dunia dah aware dengan video yang menunjukkan seorang kanak kanak wanita yang dilanggar sebanyak 2x dan ditinggalkan tanpa dihiraukan oleh 18orang yang lalu lalang disitu. Memang kejam . Tak berhati peru . Sanggup tengok macam tu je budak tu cedera parah dilanggar. Orang yang lalu lalang disitu boleh tengok dan blah dari situ buat macam tak ada apa apa yang jadi. Aku tak kisah kalau mat rempit yang lumba jatuh dia nak buat tak tau, tapi ini budak kecik kot. Memang orang negara China ni tak ada hati perut ek?
Disebabkan video ni, ramai masyarakat dunia mula mengecam China dan mengatakan yang rakyat China memang tak berhati perut. It becomes normal that humans are less human than animals now.
Dan terkini, kanak kanak yang dilanggar tersebut masih koma. Dua pemandu yang melanggar kanak kanak tersebut telah ditangkap oleh pihak polis.
Berita dari Shanghai Daily
The Shanghai Daily reported that Yueyue was in a coma in the intensive care unit of a military hospital in the city of Guangzhou but had shown some improvement.
Her mother, Qu, has reportedly set up a blog to post updates on her daughter's condition.
Yueyue, in a coma in hospital, was picked up by a street cleaner, who raised the alarm. Photo: TVS
"We have received numerous phone calls expressing strong will to help us," she wrote. "We are speechless and grateful."
Doctors said the girl had suffered major head injuries and was breathing only with the assistance of a ventilator.
"She would not be able to survive any operations. She's very close to brain death," a spokesman for the hospital told news agency AFP.
The highly distressing surveillance footage was uploaded on the popular Youku video sharing site, and attracted more than a million views in a number of hours.
In response, one person lamented: "This society is seriously ill. Even cats and dogs shouldn't be treated so heartlessly."
Another user wrote: "Really, what is up with our society? I saw this and my heart went cold. Everyone needs to do some soul searching about ending this kind of indifference.''
But others linked the incident to an earlier case in which a man who tried to help an elderly woman after she fell over was prosecuted, apparently because his intervention broke government rules on dealing with accident victims.
Police have detained the drivers of both vehicles involved in the incident, Xinhua news agency said.
The man who allegedly drove the second van, surnamed Jiang, was arrested about 9pm on the evening of the accident. The first van driver, named Hu, surrendered to police on Sunday afternoon.
Yueyue is believed to live with her parents and seven-year-old brother in a house near the wholesale market.
Her mother was hanging out washing upstairs when Yueyue went out with her brother to play with their friends.
- with agencies