Thekube2 Touch the smallest MP3 player
Thekube2 Touch the smallest MP3 player - sharepaste.blogspot.com
Thekube2 is the Touch the smallest MP3 player - sharepaste.blogspot.com : Even if you do not own an ipod shuffle may have something that one is enough to make you proud of yourself. Singapore Bluetree electronics gadgets announced the launch of unique worlds smallest mp3 player touch thekube2. Aluminum clad tiny device that runs for six hours of power lithium polymer battery, and can store 1,000 songs on microSD ekitar 4GB. You can also buy skins if you do not like.
Product follow-up of a series thekube can sync with your pc via USB cable owners diertakan a set of earbuds are also included. Users can increase capacity by Wapping memory cards up to 32GB, which allows to store around 8000 songs. There are no figures available on the dimensions of the device, so there is no mathematical data to determine whether the total volume can truly lethal blow shuffle
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