Glary Utilities PRO v2 42 0 1389 - LAXiTY

Size: 6 MB
Glary Utilities Pro offers numerous powerful andeasy-to-use system tools and utilities to fix, speed upmaintain and protect your PC. It allows you to clean commonsystem junk files, as well as invalid registry entries andInternet traces. You can manage and delete browser add-onsanalyze disk space usage and find duplicate files. You canalso view and manage installed shell extensions, encryptyour files from unauthorized access and use, split largefiles into smaller manageable files and then rejoin themFurthermore, Glary Utilities includes the options tooptimize memory, find, fix, or remove broken Windowsshortcuts, manage the programs that start at Windowsstartup and uninstall software. Other features includesecure file deletion, an Empty Folder finder and more
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