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Excellency ..... Ladies and gentlemen dear brothers and sister There is no most beautiful word to say in this bright morning except to thanks and pray unto our god Allah SWT, who has given us mercies and blessings so we can attend and gaether in tihs place in good condition and happy situation. Secondly, my peace ang salutation always be given to our greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness, from stupidly to the cleverness, from jahiliyah to islamiah. Ladies and gentlemen, I am standing here to give my speech under the title SENSE OF FREEDOM TO THE NATION. Talking about freedom, of course we will remember Indonesia sad memory. Indonesia was colonized by the others countries such as; Japan, Netherlands, England, and so on, how a long? For about 350 years.Many people were stupid at the time, because they were not recognized education at all. They were forced by colonials to work hard without salary. Because of struggling of Indonesian patriots through many organizations, finally Indonesia was able to reach a freedomwhich as proclaimed by Ir. Soekarno and Moh. Hatta on 17, August 1945. Ladies and gentlemen, freedom doesn't mean inclined to be lazy and freedom doesn't mean stop to struggle and move. But freedom is beginning step to increase the construction like; economic, education, politic, and etc. Freedom means creating something new for developing country and doing anything useful for ourselves especially, ang Indonesia generally. Freedom is gift from our god. Don't let the others countries take it for the second time. Because this is our country, so Let's we keep it, keep it all a long our life now and forever. That's all for this time being for me. Thanks so much for your nice attention, the last I say Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.
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