Autoblog blogger with popular tags Posting
Autoblog blogger with popular tags -
Autoblog blogger with popular tags - :
1- Login to you Account and create a new blog.
2- Then Click Settings > Email and create the email which is shown beside Mail-to-Blogger Address. Your email will be like this yourbloggerid.somewordsthatyouhavefilled@blogger.c om
3- Just Below this email setting, Click at Publish emails immediately
Ok Step 1 is DONE.
After replacing necessary code in the above script
upload above script in any of your site that has mail() enabled and allows file
reading and writhing and allows you to setup cron jobs.Save the above file by
name "something.php" now in same folder create a file tags.txt and write 1000
popular tags seperated by comma in tags.txt eg.
free sms,free downlod,free,torrents,movie,............other tags
now set up a cron job to run "something.php" periodically and you will get
random posts in your blogger account.
I don't know if above method can be successful or not
I have not tried this with any of my blogs but i have made the above script so
i wanted to share that.If you try this then plz. share your experience here.
I may write some more code to autoupdate tags.txt file with new tags.
i May get new popular tags from google trends.
You may use x10hosting . com to host the above script for free x10hosting. com
has all the things required for this script and is free as well.There are many
such free hosts if your are familiar with any other free host then plz. post it
Plz. don't hesitate to improve above code and to give your suggestions.You and
i can together make something new and free.
I won't be able to reply quickly as i will be busy with some other works for
some days so plz. don't mind but do post your replies here.
plz. reply for improvements
2- Then Click Settings > Email and create the email which is shown beside Mail-to-Blogger Address. Your email will be like this yourbloggerid.somewordsthatyouhavefilled@blogger.c om
3- Just Below this email setting, Click at Publish emails immediately
Ok Step 1 is DONE.
<?php $myFile = "tags.txt"; $fh = fopen($myFile, 'r'); $t = fread($fh, filesize($myFile)); $p = explode(",", $t); $n=""; for ( $counter = 1; $counter <= 5; $counter += 1) { $a=rand(1, 1000); $n=$n." ".$p[$a]; } $m=""; for ( $c = 1; $c <= 50; $c += 1) { $b=rand(1, 1000); $m=$m." ".$p[$b]; } $m=$m." "."replace this text with some message that u want on every post"; $to = "your-blogger-mail @ blogger . com"; mail($to,$n,$m); echo "Posted Message"; ?> |
After replacing necessary code in the above script
upload above script in any of your site that has mail() enabled and allows file
reading and writhing and allows you to setup cron jobs.Save the above file by
name "something.php" now in same folder create a file tags.txt and write 1000
popular tags seperated by comma in tags.txt eg.
free sms,free downlod,free,torrents,movie,............other tags
now set up a cron job to run "something.php" periodically and you will get
random posts in your blogger account.
I don't know if above method can be successful or not
I have not tried this with any of my blogs but i have made the above script so
i wanted to share that.If you try this then plz. share your experience here.
I may write some more code to autoupdate tags.txt file with new tags.
i May get new popular tags from google trends.
You may use x10hosting . com to host the above script for free x10hosting. com
has all the things required for this script and is free as well.There are many
such free hosts if your are familiar with any other free host then plz. post it
Plz. don't hesitate to improve above code and to give your suggestions.You and
i can together make something new and free.
I won't be able to reply quickly as i will be busy with some other works for
some days so plz. don't mind but do post your replies here.
plz. reply for improvements
Last edited by imdon; 02-15-2009 at 01:33 PM.
Periksa disini :
Matur Sembah nuwun ... nah sekian itu artikel postingan tentang Autoblog blogger with popular tags Posting semoga sharepaste dapat memberikan tebaik untuk anda , jangan lupa ada yang terkait tuh di bawah ini dan ada juga yang musti kamu baca lewat daftar isinya ^_^