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Faster your internet connetion up to 70%


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Faster your internet connetion up to 70%

Faster internet connetion easy update - sharepaste.blogspot.com
Faster your internet connetion up to 70% - sharepaste.blogspot.com : Every people want connect to internet with high speed connection. One of this way is changing the DNS address of server. Inf the internet speed. If your internet connection to slow, you can change the DNS server to get fast connection. The DNS Application will give that facility. Below are the steps to operate. This tips just for rooted android.
  1. Download and isntall DNS set application from the market.
  2. Run application. While this application not yet installed, so the connection will use default from the operator that you used. With this application we will change other DNS.
  3. Let's learn computer about this DNS server. PLease tab drop down list available inside.
  4. There are many kind of DNS server, such as google DNS, Open DNS, FoolDNS and others.
  5. Set all performance you need
  6. Scroll page to the most bottom
  7. If this application active, there will natification bar
Chek For download :

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